
Throttle position sensor (3pin Ford Style)
€ 66,55
Haltech Wideband Extension Harness 1200mm suits LSU4.9 HT-010719
€ 44,99
Haltech Wi-Fi Antenna 108mm 2.4Ghz - Suits Nexus Series HT-011400
€ 17,99
Haltech Haltech Keypad Label Set HT-011500
€ 17,99
Haltech Haltech Keypad 2 x 4 HT-011501
€ 340,99
Haltech Haltech CAN Keypad 3 x 5 HT-011502
€ 411,99
Haltech TMS-4 - With internal sensors HT-011600
€ 199,99
Haltech TMS-4 - With external sensors HT-011601
€ 199,99
Haltech Driveshaft Split Collar 1.812" / 46mm I.D. 8 Magnet HT-011700
€ 108,99
Haltech Driveshaft Split Collar 1.875" / 47.63mm I.D. 8 Magn HT-011701
€ 108,99
Haltech Driveshaft Split Collar 2.125"/ 53.98mm I.D. 8 Magne HT-011702
€ 108,99
Haltech Driveshaft Split Collar 2.187" / 55.55mmI.D. 8 Magne HT-011703
€ 108,99
Haltech Adaptor - Brass 1/8"NPTF to 3/8"NPTF HT-120000
€ 13,99
Haltech Air Temp Sensor - 1/8 NPT Thread HT-010206
€ 44,99
Haltech 1 Bar GM MAP Sensor HT-010100
€ 103,99
Haltech 2 Bar GM MAP Sensor HT-010102
€ 103,99
Haltech 3 Bar GM MAP Sensor HT-010104
€ 124,99
Haltech 5 Bar "TI" MAP Sensor HT-010110
€ 239,99
Haltech 7 Bar "TI" MAP Sensor HT-010130
€ 239,99
Haltech 3 Bar Motorsport MAP Sensor HT-010134
€ 144,99
Haltech 4 Bar Motorsport MAP Sensor HT-010136
€ 149,99
Haltech 5 Bar Motorsport Stainless Steel Diaphragm MAP Senso HT-010138
€ 239,99
Haltech Plug & Pins Only -Suit 2.5 Bar GM LSA/LS3/LS7 MAP Se HT-010140
€ 13,99
Haltech Air Temp Sensor - Small Thread M14 x 1.5 HT-010200
€ 44,99
Haltech Air Temp Sensor - Large Thread 3/8 NPT 18TPI HT-010202
€ 44,99
Haltech Air Temp Sensor 1/4 NPT Thread Suits Nis Z32 300ZX HT-010204
€ 44,99
Haltech Coolant Temp Sensor - Small Thread M12 x 1.5 HT-010300
€ 44,99
Haltech Coolant Temp Sensor - Large Thread 3/8 NPT 18TPI HT-010302
€ 44,99
Haltech Coolant Temp Sensor - 1/8 NPT Thread HT-010304
€ 44,99
Haltech Oil Temperature sensor High Range 150°C HT-010306
€ 81,99
Haltech Throttle Pos. Sensor -Grey CW Rotation 8mm D-Shaft HT-010402
€ 149,99
Haltech Throttle Pos. Sensor -Black CCW Rotation 8mm D-Shaft HT-010404
€ 149,99
Haltech Throttle Pos. Sensor Motorsport Contactless 8mm TPS HT-010408
€ 199,99
Haltech Rare Earth Magnets (5mm DIA x 2mm H) HT-010602
€ 20,99
Haltech GT101 Style High Frequency Hall Effect Sensor HT-010609
€ 81,99
Haltech "Red" Single Channel Hall Effect Sensor M12x1.0 HT-010610
€ 81,99

Producten 1-36 van 105

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